Do you have any advice for other writers?
Advice for other writers-Keep learning, keep writing. Take advantage of all the resources available to writers. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and never hesitate to offer help to others. Try to remember that you do this because you love it...the money will come and go. I've been at this during the initial KDP indie book when all you had to do was finish a book and you'd make money, through the rise of Bookbub and Amazon Publishing, through the push to make your manuscript and cover as professional as possible, through innovations in Facebook and Amazons ads, to the current time when everybody and their grandmother is doing all the same things and the reader is totally overwhelmed by too many choices. One week you'll be successful, the next you might not. Do everything you can to succeed, but write because you want to write, not because you're chasing a rank on Amazon.
How do you feel about other authors expanding your Atlantic Island Universe into a multiverse?
To the last question, I feel very honored to have other talented authors showing such respect for the world I built, and I'm inspired by all the new story lines. Every single one of these new series has created characters or concepts that I've adopted in my rewrites or new work. Being a part of a team creating something so substantial has its challenges, but it's made me a better author by forcing me to piece together so many different components.